Thursday, December 25, 2008


today went well...
my parents didn't spend the holiday with us nor did my baby sister:/ they decided that they'd go off on their own to disneyland for the holidays &I had the chance to go with them but I chose not to because my grandma from Guam is in town &I felt that it'd be better off if I stayed with her. I luuuuv disneyland...aha that place makes me so happy, but I think my grandma is far more important. Anyways we had a big dinner at my grandparents house. All the family came &we all ate &lounged around. We usually open all of our presents at midnight but we decided not to wait so late so we ended up opening them at 7:30 BOY OH BOYY was I happy with what i got(:

-Purple I-pod nano

-Tons of clothes

-$$$$ &Giftcards

-undies from Victoria's Secret! woo-hoOo



I decided not to get the Blackberry Storm anymore. I was playing with it and I was disappointed because that pretty little thing is soooo slow!:[ ughh wtv so Im just going to buy another silver voyager.

Iv'e been spending the last few hours updating my new I-pod...I needed one sooo bad because my other one was alllll fucked up, &my little brother got it for me! ahah what a sweetheart<3

Anyways, speaking of little brother
he's been bugging me to update his I-touch, so im going to go off &do that...

Au Revoir! XoXo
muahhhh <3Manda

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Stephen Sablan & Justin Hough

Aha alright...iv'e neverrr created a blog before, &i've always wanted to so I figured that today would be the pefect day to make one since alot happened. Anyways i went to the Piedmont basketball game today with my cousin Stephen. On the way we picked up the one &onlyyy Franshya Hammett ^__^ we get there...there's not that much people at all &I thought it was gonna be wack but it actually wasn't bad at all I was screaming my ass off cheering for our team which got KILLLED aha. The game ended &as were on the road I told French that i wanted to join kick boxing and I told her that she should do it with me so that im not alone, so she agreed &so I can officially say that im going to be starting kick boxing classes reaaal soon. I want to so bad. I need to excercise more and it's a great way to take all my anger out aha plus! it'll be fun since im an agressive little girl &I want to pretend that what Im punching are certain people's faces(: Anyways so we were all starving &my cousin took us to Applebee's. French &I were so excited to eat LMAO were such fatasses. We both got cowboy burgers and Stephen ordered pasta and some artichoke appetizer which was yummyyyy &while we were waiting for Justin to show up he ordered him a bacon cheeseburger(: Soooo....Justin shows up &French &I were non-stop clownin' on these two homo's ahhaah it was hilarious. Stephen said that he wanted to go to the movies &I recommended "7 Pounds" &Justin says "ohh isn't it that movie with Will SMELTH" ahhahaha fucking Justin that fool cracks me up. He's such a kid at heart. I love it. Anyways we were fucking loud in Applebee's. French &I couldn't stop laughing. Oh yeah...&I was giving Justin a lecture about marijuana aha that fool had no come backs whatsoeverrr lol cause he knew that everything I had to say was TRUE. So we leave Applebee's and drop off French at her house &I go with Justin &Stephen to Mtn. View to go &pick up my little brother at our aunt's house, we finally pick him up and we decide to go to Stanford mall...a fucking rich people outdoor mall, that's all i gotta say but it was fun &random(: I told Justin that if he buys me a $4.00 cupcake from Sprinkles i'd stop picking on him aha well turns out Sprinkles was closed...they close at 7 which is bullshit but wtv. at least I still got to pick on him ahah. So we leave the mall &were just having a good chill time in the car &we head onto the freeway &up ahead we see this huuuge fire. As we got closer it happened to be a big giant pine tree that somehow caught on fire and right next to it was an electrical tower. Our car was the first car ahead of all the traffic which was pretty cool but what wasn't cool was the fact that our car was directly under the electric wires and right next to the fire &the wires snap, pop, and spark &we were all freaking out because the cops stopped us so we couldn't move the car anywhere &all the sudden a car accident happens so were all like "FUCKKKK!" the cops were telling all the cars including us to back up so that we don't get electricuted &some stupid ass chink lady wasn't backing up. UGHH fucking dumbass. I was yelling out the window to her but she looked confused. AI YAI YAI. So we were stuck in the car for about an hour. We were just fooling around and blasting techno music aha. FINALLYYY they let us leave &were on our way home except we had to take the super long way home cause they blocked our main freeway off due to the accidents that occured. Aha so on our way home we were all just trying to pronounce Indian and Asian restraunt names lmao it was hilarious. We finally make it home &the guys drop off me &my brother at our house. We ended up running errands with our mommy &our baby sister later that night. We went to 7-11, Walgreens, &Safeway. Our parents are going out of town to L.A. for Christmas so we wanted to stalk up on junk food for the next 3 days since there's not gonna be anyyy adults home. So yeah...I buy funfetti cake mix, icing, Spumoni Icecream, gummi worms, cranberry juice, chocolate chip waffles, syrup, and fuckk...i forgot what else Anywayssss...we get home and im pretty damn exausted. I was out allllll day which is exactly how I like it(: So yeahhhh...that was my day in best description as possible. XOXO!

AHAA fucking Justin: "Will SMELTH"!?!!?

god damn homie.