Monday, February 9, 2009

happy happy joy joyyy

Today was theee perfect day to start off the busy week. French had 4 free movie tickets so i suggested that we go and watch TAKEN. I've been wanting to go to the movies so damn bad and it finally the perfect opportunity, why wait for the weekend? fuck it, let's just go on a monday! The movie was sooooo good. Really intense and sad. I even teared a little bit because it made me miss my daddy. For those of you who haven't seen it i suggest you go watch it! Too bad gabby couldn't come along so we hash and julie came with us. Before the movie we go and get something to eat. Hash and i shared mongolian bbq together, while french had her own and julie had subway. Hash and i PACKED our bowl fucking crazy fullll everything was falling down but the bowls were so damn small and stupid. We killed our noodles and it hit the spot(: It was almost time for the movie so we head to the theatres and attempt to steal some candy. AHAAA french and i stuffed the bag with sour belts. The amount for the candy would of turned out to be like 12 bucks. French ended up getting caught by some pregnant lady that was working the was hilarious! we just ran off into our movie laughing with huge smiles on our faces. The movie ended and felice came and picked us up. I was asking her questions regarding astrology. Anddd god damn that woman is impressive! she sure knows her signs. It so cool though, you can ask her anything and she'll give you a legitimate answer. She was telling me about virgo's, since i am one myself and other's as well. Too bad we didn't get to finish our convo since we were already in my drive way and i had to go. BUTTT we will sure finish up what we started!'s late, i just got out of the shower and my hair is soaked and my ass is cold. Im gonna go make me some toast. Se ya wouldn't wanna be yaaa! good night*

Ahaaaaa btw, we took a booth picture ^__^

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